If you’re tired of watching tv series or movies, because you have probably watched everything already by now and don’t know, what to do anymore, we’ve got a tip for you. Did you try multiplayer games with your friends?

Multiplayer games are a great source of entertainment when there is nothing to do or when you are a fan of massive multiplayer games. However this article is not going to invite you to play World of Warcraft or Final Fantasy, you don’t need to be any expert for playing and we picked exactly these types of games, that are easy to play, understand and can be played with your friends.


Scribble is a great game for 1-12 players, which you can play either with strangers or your friends.

The aim of Scribble is to draw a random word in specific time that has to be guessed by other players, to get points. Altogether is Scribble divided into 3 rounds and the player with the most points win.

If you want to play alone or with friends, you should definitely give this a shot, it is really engaging!


Cards Against Humanity

For a little bit different type of entertainment you can try ‘Cards Against Humanity’. To some of you can this ring a bell, to some of you this is something new. Though this is very popular and favourite form of a card game. Game is recommended for bold personalities, because the game itself presents as “horrible game for horrible people”. It can be played either alone with strangers or with your friends.

It is important to notice that the game consists mainly of NSFW content, which might not be for everyone, on the contrary that is what makes Cards Against Humanity so special and unique.

For those of you that think you can’t bear NSFW content, on the webpages that allow you to play the game you can try out the “Family-friendly” version

Rules are simple:

Game has minimum of 3 players, where one of them is always the Judge. The Judge is always someone else each round, so all of you take turns.

Game has two packs of cards – white and black:

White cards are distributed to all players (everyone has their own deck)

Black cards are special cards that start the game and to which players hand in their white cards

The round starts with 1 black card that is drawn and contains some form of text.

All players except the Judge picks 1 white card, which is according to them the most funniest and matching to the black card.

Once everyone has chosen and handed in their cards, the Judge chooses the winner. At the end player with the most cards/points win.


Now we’re going to move onto games that are still for free but requires you to install a certain platform.

 Drunken Wrestlers 2

Of course there are various genres of games, when one can have lots of fun and it can be very engaging (or sometimes even addictive). One of the favourite genres are fighting games and that’s what Drunken Wrestlers is. The game is played by 2-8 players, either with strangers or your friends.

Some fans will know what is going on if we mention the name Mortal Kombat. Although Drunken Wrestlers aren’t exactly the same thing, it is on the other hand a game that can be played by really anyone. (Mortal Kombat is action-fighting game, most popular and known of its kind, of which was also made a movie with the same title.)

 The rules are simple, there are minimum 2 players fighting against each other, trying to bring their opponents down. The more people you’re joined by, the funnier it is!

To be able to play this game you need to install Steam Client.


Rocket League

Futuristic, sport-action game, that can be played for free and with random players or friends. The game consists of each player picking a vehicle and then competing in a soccer match against each other. You heard well, soccer. You have to score a goal with your vehicle! That is why is Rocket League an interesting game.

Game requires installation of Epic Games client.

Rocket League is now a part of Esports and has its own Rocket League Championship Series made my creators of the game, with professional players participating.


Among Us

Last game and currently the most popular at the same time in the multiplayer genre is Among Us. Game is for 4-10 players.

All players are together on a spaceship, however one of the players is an Impostor that tries to eliminate everyone before he is caught. To win this game you either have to eliminate everyone as an Impostor, or guess who is the Impostor and expose him.

It is important to notice that this is the only game on our list that needs to be purchased for 3.99€ on Steam.




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