Studying in a foreign country is an exciting adventure, but it can also be challenging, especially if you don’t speak the local language. For international students in the Czech Republic, learning Czech can be the key to a fuller and more comfortable life. This article will introduce you to essential words and phrases for everyday communication, along with useful tips for learning Czech.

Czech for beginners

Basic Words and Phrases

1. Ano – Yes

2. Ne – No

3. Prosím – Please

4. Děkuji – Thank you

5. Dobré ráno – Good morning

6. Dobrý den – Hello (formal)

7. Dobrý večer – Good evening

8. Dobrou noc – Good night

9. Ahoj – Hi/Bye (informal)

10. Na shledanou – Goodbye (formal)

11. Jak se máte? – How are you? (formal)

12. Jak se máš? – How are you? (informal)

13. Mám se dobře. A vy? – I am good, thank you. And you? (formal)

14. Mám se dobře. A ty? – I am good, thank you. And you? (informal)

15. Co nového? – What’s new?

In a Store

1. Kolik to stojí? – How much does it cost?

2. Mohu platit kartou? – Can I pay by card?

3. Hotovost – Cash

4. Karta – Card

5. Účet, prosím – The bill, please.

6. Potřebuji pomoc – I need help.

On the Street

1. Kde je nejbližší zastávka? – Where is the nearest stop?

2. Můžete mi ukázat cestu? – Can you show me the way?

3. Ztratil jsem se – I am lost.

4. Promiňte, nerozumím – Excuse me, I don’t understand.

5. Mluvíte anglicky? – Do you speak English?

In a Restaurant

1. Jídelní lístek, prosím – The menu, please.

2. Co byste doporučil? – What would you recommend?

3. Dám si… – I will have…

4. Zaplatím – I will pay

5. Zaplatím kartou – I will pay with a card.

6. Zaplatím hotově – I will pay in cash.

7. Účet, prosím – The bill, please.

At School

1. Kde je učebna? – Where is the classroom?

2. Mohu si půjčit knihu? – Can I borrow a book?

3. Kde je knihovna? – Where is the library?

4. Kdy začíná hodina? – When does the class start?

5. Kdy máme zkoušku? – When is the exam?

6. Mohu si s vámi promluvit? – Can I talk to you?

Useful Phrases for Everyday Situations

1. Pomoc! – Help!

2. Můžete mi poradit? – Can you advise me?

3. Kde je toaleta? – Where is the toilet?

4. Nerozumím – I don’t understand.

5. Opakujte, prosím – Please repeat.

6. Mluvte pomaleji, prosím – Please speak more slowly.

7. Kolik je hodin? – What time is it?

Tips for Learning Czech

1. Use Language Learning Apps and Websites

Apps like Duolingo, Memrise, or Babbel are great for beginners. They help you with pronunciation, grammar, and vocabulary. Websites like Czech Class 101 or Easy Czech are a great start.

2. Watch Czech Movies and TV Shows

Watching movies and shows with Czech subtitles will help you improve your comprehension and learn new words and phrases. Starting with light comedies or fairy tales is recommended. Pick the best for you on platforms like netflix, where you can find them with english subtitles.

3. Read Czech Books and Newspapers

Start with simple books or children’s stories. Gradually move on to newspapers and magazines, which will help expand your vocabulary and contextual understanding.

4. Speak with Locals

Don’t be afraid to speak Czech with locals. Most Czechs will appreciate your effort and be happy to help you. Regular conversation practice will improve your pronunciation and fluency.

5. Use Flashcards

Create flashcards with new words and phrases. Flashcards are an excellent tool for repetition and memorization of new vocabulary.

6. Watch Czech YouTube Channels and Listen to Podcasts

There are many Czech YouTube channels and podcasts focused on language learning. These resources can provide authentic language material and improve your listening skills.

Podcasts will develop and sharpen your listening skills immensely and they will improve your pronunciation. Try to listen to podcasts like Czech with Iva or Learn Czech on-line. There is many YouTube channels that can help you. Check out channels like Czech Class 101, Tady Gavin, Learn czech on-line or Czech with Kateřina.

7. Practice Every Day and Be Patient

Even if you have just a few minutes, try to dedicate time to studying Czech daily. Learning a new language is a process that requires time and effort. Don’t be afraid to make mistakes; they are part of learning. With each attempt, you get better.

Czech can be challenging, but with regular practice and the right tools, you can master it. This basic overview of words and phrases will help you navigate everyday situations and feel more comfortable in the Czech Republic. Remember, the key to success is consistent practice, a positive attitude, and a willingness to learn new things. Good luck with your Czech studies!

Continue in reading and explore Tips for Living in The Czech Republic

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