Maybe we are a small country, but we have a lot to offer. The Czech Republic can be proud of several typical things that tourists from all over the world travel for. The question is what should you bring back home from here? Let’s go through some ideas together!

Becherovka & Plum brandy & Beer

Tasting local alcohol has become part of every country’s culture. Whether you bring Becherovka – a speciality from Karlovy Vary – or a plum brandy (“Slivovice”), people will be thrilled. The Czech Republic is no. 1 country in terms of consumption of beer per person in the whole world, you cannot go wrong with a bottle of beer (of course just in case your family members/ friends can or like to drink alcohol). But if you are a Muslim, and drinking alcohol is haram for you, don’t worry and keep reading! We have more tips for you. 😉

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Trivia with Czech symbolic

In distant regions, they may know Pilsner Urquell, but they do not know where it comes from and where the Czech Republic lies. You can therefore bring magnets to the refrigerator with Prague, the astronomical clock, the Czech flag etc., or even a book with a brief description and photos.

Further, you can make your own photo book out of your spectacular snaps! We have a list of 7 creative ideas on how to store your study abroad photos, check it and get inspired.

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It is said that love passes through the stomach. And that’s exactly the reason why you should bring your loved ones the opportunity to taste the Czech so they can fall in love with this country just as you did.

And what is the traditional Czech biscuit? Spa wafers Kolonáda are the famous one. Crispy wafers from the spa are a small trifle that will never spoil anything. You can also buy anything from the brand OPAVIA, ORION or SEDITA. For example, the well-known chocolate Studentská pečeť or Horalky wafer.

As you have maybe already noticed, Czechs like chocolate with some flavors in it – coffee, fruit, mint, and so on… There are plenty of choices, just visit any supermarket and get lost in the variety of options.

You can also try the Czech version of M&M called Lentilky or another Czech speciality Hořické trubičky.

If you are not such a big fan of sweets and chocolate in general, you might like mint candies, for example Hašlerky or SLAVIA candies.

Photo credit: TadyGavin


What about sending a postcard during your study abroad program?

Firstly, it will surprise your friends and family at the moment when they don’t expect that. Secondly, there is plenty of different designs to choose from – from the typical symbolic pictures like the astronomical clock, through Czech landscape to your study hometown. Due to your handwriting, it is a very personal present and it costs just a little! Last but not least, there is a lot of people who like to collect international stamps. A perfect gift that even doesn’t take any space and weight in your suitcase. 🙂 What else to wish for…?

Photo credit: Google Images


CD of local music composers

It might seem to be old-fashioned, but it still works. Especially the older generation appreciates it. Czech’s composers represent the Czech Republic very majestically. Whether the patriot Smetana, Janáček or the romantic Dvořák – their operas, symphonic poems and orchestral compositions fit into a small pocket in a backpack and convey the beauty of Czech country and culture through pleasing tones.

 Do you have younger siblings? Then bring them our famous little Mole!

The little Mole is the perfect present. Eh? Mole? Maybe you ask yourself what we are talking about… but to your surprise, it is a famous fairy tale. This animated cartoon is loved in Scandinavia, Japan, and is also known to viewers in China and many other countries all over the world. You can buy a plush mole or many other items with this character.

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If you forgot and don’t have enough time to buy some presents or any space in your luggage… nevermind. Always remember one thing: don’t forget to share your experience! Because having someone to share your happiness makes the happiness even bigger.

What travel gifts do you bring? Inspire others and share this article with your own comment!

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