Jun 22, 2020 | Personalities UTB
Prof. Peter Gavora has been working for the Faculty of Humanities of Tomas Bata University in Zlín since 2012. In his research, he concentrates on teacher self-efficacy, teacher beliefs, text learning strategies and early literacy in preschool-age children. His...
May 21, 2020 | Meet Zlín!
Walk! Nothing is far in Zlín. At least not in the centre. Take a look at the map – walking between the best pubs, restaurants, parks, Baťa’s skyscraper and the castle won’t hurt your feet. A note from local observers: Zlín’s crossings are not made for slow walkers....
May 13, 2020 | Tips and tricks, UTB Students
After spending a semester abroad, a lot of students usually return back to their home country and experience something they’ve never felt before – so-called reverse culture shock. What is reverse culture shock? It is the opposite of what you’ve probably first...
May 11, 2020 | Personalities UTB
doc. Ing. Natalia Kazantseva, CSc. is the member of the Polymer Centre (PC) at the Faculty of Technology and the leader of the research group in the Centre of Polymer Systems (CPS) at Tomas Bata University in Zlín. Her interest lays in the field of polymer composite...
May 5, 2020 | Tips and tricks
We prepared a list of several movies for you that can tune you in travel mode even when you are at home during quarantine times. Some will entertain you, others will transport you in time or place. If you have other tips, write them in the comment! The Terminal The...